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Operation Serialization


In most cases custom serialization is not required. Try using a custom formatter, or the default serialization.

While the recommended way to format operation logs is to implement a oplog.formatters.OperationFormatter formatter, in some scenarios, a formatter may not be available for the developer. In such cases, it is common for tools/libs to use the str representation of the operation (%(oplog)s). So, oplog supports this behavior out-of-the-box.

A common example is pytest. pytest uses the str representation of the operation to display the operation in the terminal, most commonly used to display errors (and warning) during tests.

You can see an example for the support in pytest in

Although this is supported, developers may want to override the default string serialization of operations. pytest has limited formatting options (read more about it in pytest: How to manage logging. so oplog provides a way to override the default string serialization of operations.

This is done in the config class method, which is commonly called once during logger setup.


Operation.config(..., serializer=lambda op: f"{} - {op.status}")

You can read more about config in Config.