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Progressable operations are operations that can report their progress. This is useful for long-running operations (e.g., with multiple IO calls or numerous iterations). To make an operation progressable, simply call the progressable() method on the operation. Then, progress is reported using the progress() method.

Progress Bar

By default, progressable operations also display a progress bar (powered by tqdm), which can be toggled off using the with_pbar flag (Operation(...).progressable(with_pbar=False)).

Nested progressable operations will display nested progress bars nicely, with no additional configuration:

Nested progress bars

This is useful for CLI tools, for example.

For a CLI example, please refer to the Find Nth Prime example.

Completion Ratio

With or without progress bars, progressable operation maintain a completion_ratio property, which can be access from the operation: op.completion_ratio (raises AttributeError if not progressable).

Completion ratio property is a float between 0 and 1, which represents the progress of the operation, as reported by iterations argument and op.progress() call. Completed operations will have a completion ratio of 1 (even if no iterations given). In cases where completion ratio is unknown, it will be None (no iterations given and operation exited before completion - e.g., due to exception).